November 9, 2009
Local Event a Huge Success Using Primarily Social Networks – by Dean R. DeLisle
November 9, 2009 – How to Clean Up Your Name for The New Year! By Dean R. DeLisle

Looking Good? Looking Good?

It’s no secret that if you’re not careful the world can find some interesting things about you by just entering your name in Google, or any search engine for that matter. Depending on how much fun you have experienced in your recent life, it could just come back to haunt you!

“it could just come back to haunt you!”

Especially with the market and economy the way it is, companies need to be careful with whom they spend their money with and companies need to be more cautious about whom they hire. With both of these scenarios, you can get bit by the “social bug” – the bad one!

“the sales representative was dismissed from that position shortly thereafter”

One of our clients recently was working on a $70,000 deal and had a small team of folks working on with them. In the midst of the third pitch, the CFO decided to Google the team. This led to one of the sales reps who had an interesting Facebook entry or two that was picked up by the search engines. Now the CFO did not bring this up to the company giving the pitch, but it did influence their decision in the process. The critical decision did finally get back to the senior folks at our client’s company and the sales representative was dismissed from that position shortly thereafter. We are confident that sales representative is now cleaning up their act, or at least taking fewer photos!

“in today’s job market it is critical to find the right candidates”

We talked with another client of ours who is a recruiter, Tech Temps in Oak Brook, Illinois. Rick Ryfa, President, stated that “In today’s job market it is critical to find the right candidates. Sometimes these folks have the greatest resume, yet it is all diminished when you search their name on the internet. This is a critical time and it takes time to clean your bad items off the search engines. So you don’t want to waste your opportunity window by having a bad rap on the internet.“

“ is

an affordable reputation cleanup program”

We agree with Rick. That is why we at Forward Progress have partnered up with some great technical partners and are now providing a solution to help business owners, professionals, sales people, sport players, recruits or anyone with an eReputation. is an affordable reputation cleanup program. It has really been well received and is working great for many folks who have already tried it. We are rolling this out nationally first quarter, but wanted our clients to have the first chance at our incredible low price point before we did.

This is for Forward Progress subscribers only!

This new program will give you a nice profile page, SEO for your name, hosting for one year, setup and submit you to 10 of the most popular professional social networks and give you one-on-one time with an eMarketing Coach through the process, all for only $249. This is for Forward Progress subscribers only and only good through 12/31/08!

So we challenge everyone to Google themselves and if you would like to see more good stuff “of yourself” on the NET, then check out .

Happy Holidays and have a Great Prosperous and Good Looking New Year!

Dean DeLisle

Contact Dean at [email protected]