By Dean R. DeLisle
The evolution of Blogging seems like it’s not much different than the old chat rooms of yesteryear which were spawned by online conversations when people were too busy to talk! Whatever we want to call this, it does work and it does yield leads if properly managed. However, we must first understand that which we expect to manage.
The reason this works is for the same reason that Online Social Networks do – there are a ton more people there now than before – business people! The good news is that with this economy, everyone is looking for one of two things: They want to buy something that is going to help their business make or save money; or they want to sell something. If you can decipher this in a conversation, you can decipher this in a Blog.
First of all, you want to Blog where people you know hang out. If you belong to a certain industry or are looking for a certain type of business, find those people or people you know off-line and ask them where they Blog or monitor. This should give you an indicator of where to go. Ask them to connect you to people who can either do business with you or make a good introduction. Wow, sounds like a referral! Yes indeed, this will work the same way.
Once you find a discussion group, Blog, or group of people in which you share common interests, then start talking (i.e. Blogging!).
Blogging begins with a few structural rules. Formulate your Blog post in one of a few styles:
Think about this, what would you say to a group of people that have common interests to solicit a response? Then structure your post in the form of the above suggestions.
Once you post your Blog, then monitor for responses. Most Blogs or discussion groups will alert you when someone replies. Then make sure you have a timely response in a timely manner. Immediate is not required, but within a day is reasonable. However, if you smell a prospect, the sooner you make your move, the better the impression.
Forward Progress, Inc. Copywrite 2009
CHICAGO, IL ● Schererville, IN
PH (877) 59-COACH ● www.ForwardProgress.NET
If you do not get a great response, you might want to take some advice from on-line marketers. There are many who supply Blogs and sample Blog posts. Also, go into Blogs and groups and pay attention to the posts that received an overwhelming response. Then practice writing in the same style and see how you do.
Another great tip is to ask for help in getting your Blog going. Ask co-workers, partners, clients, vendors and event friends to help you get a conversation going, then see if that helps. Some people, like a conversation, just do not want to be first!
Also, make sure that once you are present in that Blog or group, that you stay present. People will get to know you and will be more likely to respond, comment, or even recommend your discussion once they get to know you.
Now make sure that once someone implies interest in your topic, product, service or company and seems like a viable contact – connect! Just like you would in a person-to-person environment. Ask them to connect outside the Blog, get their email, exchange information and set a meeting. Now wasn’t that easy? Seriously, it works just like an email intro or any other network scenario.
Start with these simple tips and we are positive you can easily get started. We wish you the best of luck and remember, if you don’t like your Blog post, simply delete it and start over until you get it right!
Happy Blogging for Leads!
Dean DeLisle
Dean DeLisle is founder and CEO of Forward Progress, Inc, a company that is focused on coaching companies on Lead Acceleration Plans and supporting tools for their clients.
Visit his website at or contact him at [email protected]
Forward Progress, Inc. Copywrite 2009
CHICAGO, IL ● Schererville, IN
PH (877) 59-COACH ● www.ForwardProgress.NET