Social Network Diving – living below “see” level
July 13, 2010
5 Cool Tips for Professional Success
July 17, 2010

By Dean DeLisle

We often get encouraged when our clients execute the programs that we put together for them; however in this recent case, we have one that has taken it to the next level. We all know areas of Social Networking and Social Media that work best for our organizations. You often hear us talk about the secret to winning true ROI at this game is to (1) integrate your marketing, and (2) align the marketing and sales staff in your efforts. We’re not sure why everyone is waiting for the elusive “secret sauce” when all you have to do is follow this formula (even partially!) to see the instant rewards.

One of our clients, a mid-size entertainment company who has always done a superior job at providing the best live music entertainment in Chicagoland for many years, had never really leveraged their network – until recently.

We started working with them at the beginning of the year.  They had a young marketing person in the office, Rachel, who coordinated all their online communication efforts. Through the genius of Jeff Stitely, founder, owner and awesome drummer, they used interns from an operations perspective, but not from a marketing perspective – well again, until recently!

Joining up with Stitely earlier in the year, we incorporated an integrated marketing plan which included much of the content they already had, and began to leverage the young leadership of Rachel and the band of interns they had assembled. We quickly found that they had a unique blend of value and fun that they could offer to their friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter, connections on LinkedIn and subscribers to their very adventurous blog. We helped them interconnect (integrate) these with other efforts to help maximize content; and with the power of their intern team, to create brand exposure and leads to this new online world.

The best thing is that I cannot hold back the creative imagination of new things they dream up and create in our weekly meetings. There is a wonderful mix of experienced entertainment backgrounds and youthful fun that contribute to the ongoing energetic content to serve their Wedding, Event and Corporate clients.

They have taken recent action to connect their network activity to high-value meetings and proposals which contribute directly to an increase in their sales activity. They do all the right things – they consistently monitor their success weekly, and they strive consistently to improve with the new ideas spawned from the team.

Jeff Stitely stated, “We always had a consistency challenge of having good meetings, and Social Networks provide a whole new dimension for our brand and sales activity that we have never seen before.”

With Jeff releasing some of the necessary activities to his reliable team, watching the score, making adjustments and staying engaged, he has proven that Stitely Entertainment is going to always be a jamming force, both online and at your events!

Great job team!