Get off that Hedonic Treadmill and Run for Real Success in 2010
January 12, 2010
Succeeding in the Virtual World – A Must for 2010
January 23, 2010

By Dean R. DeLisle

It’s no secret that many of us get sucked into our Social Network sites even worse than eBay, Google and some of those other sites we can’t mention. I remember when the internet first became a business tool during the era and we had to set policies and sell tools to help companies build productivity around this new great mystical tool.

Well, Social Network sites are at that same point. Most companies come to us for the productive part, however we need to also tell them it’s important to have a plan, framework and goal when using this new great mystical tool. That is why we structure an effective 20 Minute-A-Day Plan for our accounts so that they not only control what they do, but they also get what they need – appointments, attendees, leads and sales.

All of our training is in line with good old sales practices and if you follow this, you will surely be productive. If you go into your new Social World with the intention of getting an appointment, you will most likely come out with one. Just like working any traditional network (only better), you can scan everyone in the room – then decide who to invite on a date.

We teach a fun practice called Group Diving which works in LinkedIn, Facebook or any other community with groups. It’s simply going into your group with intention and a target, and once you find them, take them offline – an area where you know how to close business. There are some very specific techniques that can be used, however, if you already know how to set appointments on the phone or in networking events, then just do that! In the end, once you close the business and have some time left, make sure to have some fun!

See you online!
