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December 27, 2013
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January 3, 2014
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How To Grow A Massive Pipeline With Your Facebook Business Page In 2014

facebook business pageIt’s pretty common knowledge these days that Facebook’s massive traffic is an excellent source for potential customers and clients.  But how do you leverage this for your business?  We realize every business is different but there are some common threads that most business owners would agree on.  Below are a few specific strategies to leverage your page to build your business with Facebook in 2014:

Post Relevant Content
While its good to somewhat change things up from time to time, there should still always be a consistent theme among the content you post on your Facebook business page.  If you are a builder, for example, you might post interesting articles on the housing market improving, various photos of your model homes (both inside and outside of the home), testimonials from past clients, and much more, but you should NOT include completely off-topic content that you feel is funny, shocking, or anything that would cater to one segment of your audience while potentially offending another segment.

If you only do one thing to build your business with Facebook in 2014, always ask yourself this when sourcing the best content to post:  what articles would my visitors be most interested in reading and are likely looking for on other sites already?

Here are some examples of good content to post on your page to build your business with Facebook in 2014:

Links to interesting articles to keep prospects coming back to your Facebook business page – Keeping with the builder example, you could post articles from any reputable news website about industry events, improved housing/market stats, or any other compelling news stories that are specific to your industry that your potential visitors would likely be looking for on their own (but not on your page).  Always ask yourself, what articles would my visitors be most interested in reading and are likely looking for on other sites already?

build your business with facebookPast Client Testimonials – This is obvious but almost none of your competition is doing this on Facebook.  Give your brand instant credibility and make your visitors jump at the chance to do business with you by showing off all of your (happy) past client testimonials.  Even slightly negative testimonials are good to sprinkle in since it comes across as extremely honest.  One example of a slightly negative testimonial would be, “None of us could foresee this terrible weather coming back when we began building our home with ABC Builders but they handled this professionally and even came up with a great plan for us to escrow funds for some of the exterior finishes/landscaping so we could still close on time and put that part of the construction off until Spring thus not having to increase our total cost one cent!  Thanks, ABC Builders!”

facebook business page

Show Off Your Photos – Again, staying on the builder example, leverage the ease and power Facebook affords you (for free) in uploading your best photos to your Facebook business page.  Facebook utilizes what’s known as a “light box” photo viewer which creates an easy, elegant way for visitors to view photos.  In the past, builders would traditionally need to get bodies into their sales centers or navigate to their website (if they have one) to see images of their homes for sale.  Now you can leverage this new power and reach to really show off your new homes and build your business with Facebook in 2014!  BUT, don’t post them all at once:  Posting photos incrementally is usually best so you can keep visitors coming back regularly to see the newest ones you’ve added.  Posting photos is also good as a backup plan for days when you don’t have time to source or write original content.

Feature Original Content On Your Facebook Business Page – While it is acceptable to leverage other news source’s content to post on your Facebook business page, you can often get the best return on (your time) investment by writing your own content and posting a link to that on your Facebook business page.  The best place to post the original article you write is on your company website, specifically in the Blog section of your site.  If you don’t have a WordPress blog, let us know and we’ll show you how to add one to your site for FREE.  Once you’ve published your original piece of content, simply copy/paste that entire URL link from that page over to your Facebook business page.  By doing this, you not only are sharing a great piece of content with the masses, but you’re also creating a powerful new path for visitors to be directed to your company website or blog site!  Posting these original content links on you Facebook business page is almost always superior to posting 3rd party links but obviously your time is money and writing original articles every day isn’t realistic for most businesses.  However, if you’ve got someone on your team who is a strong writer, or, you’ve got room in your budget to hire a freelance writer who is knowlegeable in your industry, that would be a great move to generate tons of targeted visitors to your company Facebook page as well as your company website.

Run A Contest On Your Facebook Business Page Every Month
build your business with facebookPerhaps the most powerful way to build your business with Facebook  in 2014 is to run a contest.  The prize can be whatever you want but it’s usually best to keep it relevant to your business.  For example, the builder in our example above might run a contest with the headline, “Enter To Win $5,000 in FREE Upgrades”, or “Enter To Win $2000 Off Your Closing Costs”, or “Enter To Win A Luxury Kitchen Upgrade Package (valued at $10,000).  What all of these examples have in common is two-fold:  1) Your competitors are probably not doing this on their Facebook business page (assuming they even have one) so you’re creating a new way to stand out and capture more market share, and 2) ALL of these examples (while they may sound expensive to offer) can be built into your price ahead of time (either all or in-part) so you don’t really have to eat those incentives on the deals you close.  Now obviously these builder incentive examples may not correlate exactly with those that you’d offer with your business but I’m sure you can use your imagination to devise a compelling contest that would grab visitors’ attention on your Facebook business page.

In conclusion, the reality is that many business owners like yourselves have very little extra time to try and tackle everything listed above all at once, but perhaps you can try to implement these strategies one at a time in bite size pieces.  Author Joe Karns is a marketing guru with Chicago based Forward Progress.  Contact us today for a free consultation on building your Facebook business page and how we can help you build your business with Facebook in 2014.

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