Don’t Miss the “LinkedIn Social Selling Boot-Camp 2015 Online” – Starting March 5th
December 17, 2014
Jan 8th – 10am CST – Webinar – 5 Easy Steps to Convert LinkedIn Connections to New Sales
January 5, 2015


LinkedIn2015 Are You Ready?  5 Power Moves to Master LinkedIn for the New Year

As I sit here and put the final touches on 2014 I find myself reflecting on how many people have attended our webcasts, downloaded our materials and attended our conferences, and have realized that there are still so many that need those few next steps to make an impact on 2015 with their social networks. So I thought I would list my 5 simple yet powerful “Power Moves” for anyone to master their LinkedIn.

I also wanted to think about anyone, whether you are a professional looking for that mega career move, a marketing specialist looking to get brand domination or a top producer looking to ramp up those numbers, these will apply.

Power Move #1: Get that profile up to par.

Now I know many of you will skip over this, however I am amazed at how many of you claim to have your profile at 100% complete, but is it ranking, is it attracting referrals on a regular basis, are your getting inbound requests for your awesomeness? Well if not, then get back at it! Answer – who is your target, what do they type in to find you and own those keyword phrases in your profile.

If you need help watch this webcast or recording:

Power Move #2: Block your time

In our Social Jack {link to site social} System we talk about 20 minutes a day and blocking time in your calendar to work your network in that block of time. Not click around but really do some networking. We say treat it like you are at an event, make it fun, connecting and set some appointments. Once you treat it this way, you will be back the next day too!

Power Move #3: Add targeted connections

Yes targeted. Not everyone you find that looks interesting. The number two biggest problem we see on LinkedIn is that so many people just add a ton of connections and over 90% never get any contact with that person. Now what if you connected less, but with targeted people, it would be much easier to get business with a more focused network, correct?

Power Move #4: Engage, engage, engage

If you read number three, then now take those most targeted connections and blow it up. Take some time and go into their profile, endorse them for skills, write a recommendation, like their posts, comment and share. You will be loved and you will get a return on engagement for that effort – promise!

Power Move #5: Check Your INBOX! 

If I had a dollar for every student who let great appointments die in their inbox you would get to ride on my new jet! There is gold lying in those inboxes so take out the trash and reap the gold! You will get rich from this one!

Bottom line, follow these simple rules and have fun and celebrate your success. I wish the best of success to all of you for 2015 – see you online! – Dean