You can cultivate an optimistic point of view
August 13, 2009
5 Cool Ideas from John, Paul, George, Ringo, and Brian
August 25, 2009

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It’s funny how things work out sometimes. As we were blogging on Facebook and LinkedIn and Tweeting on Twitter – we stumbled on a conversation about Social Networks and how some people are just too busy with their work to pay attention to these areas. Well in that we picked up on a conversation with Gretchen Carlson, on one of the Fox News blogs, on how people are too busy to manage their own emails and blogs. Then we emailed her at the show.

Fox NewsSoon after, Marcelo, the producer of the show, looked up our website and found my email address and asked us for an offline interview. We proceeded to clarify what MYeRepuation did and that we could help people with the overwhelming thoughts many of them were feeling, as well as their personal social networks. Once learning that we had Personal Marketing Assistance available for anyone, not just famous people, Marcelo asked us to be on the show and we had a terrific interview.

We not only had a great show, but also have had other great PR inquiries, generated thousands of leads, and best of all – had a great boost in sales. In this economy, everyone has a great story to tell and there is someone willing to listen and possibly talk about it publicly. The position of blogging, taking action, and managing the response, all equated in a great result for us.

Therefore, we are looking for YOUR Social Network stories so we can help YOUR company get recognized and move YOU into our media stream! So please, if you have stories of your own, please send them to me at [email protected] and we would love to feature you on upcoming broadcasts and newsletter articles just like this!